Thursday, April 7, 2011


A song that reminds me of an event

49 years of marriage is a huge accomplishment, and there's no better way to spend it than with your family, no? Ok, so this anniversary wasn't in MY family per se, but I've spent a lot of time with them. IM TALKIN THE HUXTABLES PEOPLE.

When they celebrated the marriage of Cliff's parents in the BEST way possible I fell in love with Ray Charles.

Night time is the right time -- Ray Charles

AND the Huxtables version:


  1. Huxtable version? Best video of the series by far!

  2. Oh my God! I remember this... :) I had totally forgotten about it.

  3. I agree, Alissa! Looooooooooove this! My mom still owns & watches VHS tapes of all the Cosby episodes, taped when each original episode aired, with the commercials paused out. Upgrading to the series on DVD just doesn't appeal to her.

  4. LOVE that huxtable version gotta love bill cosby!!!
